How to generate quality content on TikTok China?


Recently we have a FMCG client from Brazil asking for WKI to optimize their Douyin (TikTok China) account, here are some points we are sure could help everyone:


Account positioning

Account positioning refers to finding a suitable position for a brand in the major content performance areas of knowledge share, drama and other categories according to your products, and creating unique content through differentiated personas and expressions. And remember, people come to social media to browse content all want to be entertained! 


Content is useful and FUN 

Brands can identify the top search terms associated with their industry at the moment, and then analyze them to decide whether they should move closer to them or eliminate them when creating content, whether they should follow the trends or create unique content.

Creating content requires a keen sense of professionalism and innovation. When a brand has a unique insight into its own content presentation area, it should be bold enough to add elements from other areas to discover content that is unique to it and successfully optimize its brand positioning. But keep it fun is so important , everyone loves being entertained, right? And injecting a little bit more fun into your content might even set it apart from some of your competitors' truly boring content.


Shaping the persona

The key to creating a persona IP is to impress audiences, how do you do this?

It is important to create a unique IP based on the profession, personality, clothing, accessories, voice, body language and behavior of the person featured. If there is no real person, you can create a unique caricature or a unique voice to create a persona IP. (You could refer to WKI’s own IP Dashen to see what do we mean ) 

WKI's own IP -Dashen


Putting on DUO+

Simply put, DOU+ means paying for impressions. “DOU+ ” likes fuel and power; it adds to the content’s impression. You can put DOU+ on your own videos or on other people’s videos. For example, we can start with ” recommendations” , and then choose five benchmark accounts that match the brand’s image. Display your ads on douyin to “followers” of accounts that are “similar to brand” . The reason is that it can reach users who may have the most desire to watch brand’s content.



Keep on trendy topics

In the long-term operation of a brand account, brands can continuously pay attention to the trends of Douyin, as long as the hot topics do not destroy the current account content positioning, you can create content accordingly.


When posting, you can enter “hot topics”, “content topics” and “domain topics” in order to get Douyin’s traffic recommendations. In this way, you can get the traffic recommendations from Douyin without destroying the long-term positioning of the brand.

Shanghai Wukong Integration (WKI) Center


+86 574 27721008